Christian living, Fitness

Eating, Fitness, and Body Image: How I Finally Found Freedom, pt. 2

Aaaand I'm back with part two! If you haven't read part one, you can read that here:) Part one is important since I'm very to-the-point in my writing below, and I don't want it to seem harsh to anyone reading. I shared my struggle with body image and eating in part one, so please check… Continue reading Eating, Fitness, and Body Image: How I Finally Found Freedom, pt. 2

Christian living, Fitness

Eating, Fitness, + Body Image: How I Finally Found Freedom

Disclaimer: Of course, y’all know I’m not a trained dietitian or fitness instructor.  I’m a teen like you.  Take my advice like you would take a friend’s advice.  If you are struggling with an eating disorder, please get help! I looked in the mirror and despised everything I saw.  I had gained weight, and to… Continue reading Eating, Fitness, + Body Image: How I Finally Found Freedom

Blogging Updates, Events, Goals, and Surveys, Fitness

Input Form (+ week 2 info)

Hello, beautiful people!! I hope you're doing well, and you've enjoyed your first week of running! I'm beyond excited for you! Like I said last week, the running guide is interactive, which means each week you send in your advice so I can update and improve the schedule for the following weeks. I posted the… Continue reading Input Form (+ week 2 info)


Introducing: Free 4-Week Running Guide

Want to start running but don’t know how? I love to run. I’ve been running on a team for over 2 years now, and - no exaggeration - it changed my life. My overall mindset has changed, I am physically healthier, and I have improved emotionally as well. If you don't know if running is… Continue reading Introducing: Free 4-Week Running Guide

Fitness, Life Experiences

Summer 2021 Recap (all the fun + photos!)

Sweet treats, more exercise than ever before, and lots of first-time experiences. My summer was amazing. It also flew by, though. It's crazy that it's already time for another school year! Today, I want to give you a peek into the things that happened this summer (with plenty of photos!). In this post, I listed… Continue reading Summer 2021 Recap (all the fun + photos!)


My First Triathlon + What You Need to Know for Yours

I scrambled out of the pool and headed straight for the bike rack. After drying off, I slipped on my biking shorts and shoved on my socks and shoes. With that, I put on my helmet, hopped on my bike, and headed off for the second part of the race. A couple weeks ago, I… Continue reading My First Triathlon + What You Need to Know for Yours


How to Stretch Post-Run

As you know, I am not a medical professional or personal trainer! Take my advice as you would take a friend's advice and consult professionals/adults before you do anything crazy! 😜 If the stretching creates a sharp pain, please stop before you hurt yourself. I. am. sore. For some reason, I decided to do a… Continue reading How to Stretch Post-Run

Christian living, Fitness

When you want to give up…

My feet pound the track and my breathing echoes in my ears. Only 200 meters left. I hear my coach telling me to open up my stride as my teammates cheer my name. What people don’t see, though, is the battle happening in my mind. I’m debating with myself - trying to figure out if… Continue reading When you want to give up…


Working Out for Beginners: Starting and Staying Consistent

Note: Of course, ya’ll know I’m not a trained dietitian or fitness instructor. I’m a teen like you. Take my advice like you would take a friend’s advice. Always consult professional/experienced people before trying anything crazy! 😜 I decided to write this partly to answer a question I received for my Q&A video: What is… Continue reading Working Out for Beginners: Starting and Staying Consistent


A Running Start

So you want to join track? Already planning for next spring? If so, today I'm writing for you. As you probably know, I joined a middle school track team this past spring and had a great experience. I'm not a track or running expert by a long shot, but today I want to give you… Continue reading A Running Start