
Valentine Kiss Rings

Hello!  Valentine’s Day is coming up, so what should you give as a Valentine’s Day gift?  I have a wonderful solution to your dilemma!  Drum roll please… sweet Valentine kiss rings!   Go and gather:

  • 1 or 2 bags of chocolate kisses (2nd bag for the little monsters snooping around wanting chocolate and for you!)
  • About 100 pipe cleaners (makes 50 rings)


  1. Take two of the piper cleaners and cross them.


2. Twist the pipe cleaners together on the side and twist on the top too, so it looks like a triangle.


3.  Take the tag off of the chocolate kiss, and put it on the triangle.

IMG_1256 (1)










4. Then take the pipe cleaner parts diagonal from one another, and twist them above the chocolate.


5. Do the same thing with the other two.


6. Twist the top and the bottom pipe cleaners together completely.


7. Twist it a little loosely around your finger and take it off; then wrap the extra pipe cleaner around the ring.


There!  Now make some more!



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