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Experiments, Lesson 7

Tonight at midnight ends the Spinzilla contest.  It has been fun, exciting, and I have learned quite a bit.  I think I just started truly learning about spinning.

Today’s lesson was an accident.  My mom was trying to thin out my white wool and when she tried to spin it, it kept breaking.  The weight of the spindle was too heavy.  I  got out a much smaller spindle and so it helped her spin a thin thread.  My aunt had given me an experiment to try.  She told me to combine two different colors.   It was very pretty.  My aunt told my mom you usually card the two types of wool together.  But we went ahead and spun them together.  It is hard to get them to blend evenly, so I understand why you would combine them by carding.  It did strengthen the white wool and we were able to use the larger spindle.  I now am curious about spinning with a bottom whirl.  I also want to double ply some of my yarn.  I believe that this is the beginning of an adventure!dscn3781

4 thoughts on “Experiments, Lesson 7”

  1. Sometimes we need a little challenge just to see what we are made of. I am so proud of you and your mom for taking up this challenge and blowing the yardage out of the ballpark! You and your mom were very inspiring to me and NeeNee, that on the last couple of days, she and I buckled down to “pull a Rachel!” In the end, it was the thought of you and your mom that got us to our own yardage. I am working on Kit this weekend to get her all set up and ready for her new owner. 🙂 Keep an eye on the Pinterest board of mine and I will post a picture of her for you!

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  2. Congratulations!! You are the new official owner of Kit! I have so enjoyed reading your posts all week long! And we are all very proud of your accomplishment! Just think, you originally set out to spin a couple of yards of yarn and you ended up spinning 460 yards! You have learned so very much. One of my most favorite aspects of spinning is that I learn something every single time I sit down to spin, whether with my spindle or my wheel. For example, I decided to test some thick and thin yarn, and the thick portions had so little spin that I did not want it to go to its new owner and fall apart. I decided to use what is called a binder, which is a commercial thread plied with the thick and thin yarn. Mind you, the plying nor the thread, of course, counted in Spinzilla yardage so the yarn only counted as a single. I just wanted the fiber to stay together. I have plied like this before, but this time, while I was plying, I had an accident which led to a discovery of how to create coils. It was so perfect and made me really excited about the next time I plied with this method. I sometimes feel as though I am a student of fiber. It teaches me new things everytime in interact with it. And, like you, it is making me a better person and spinner by helping me connect my fiber lessons with life lessons.

    This has been such a fun experience. And all along the way, it felt like you and your mom were right here, spinning along beside us. It was a huge connection that all four of us shared, and for that, I thank you! I can hardly wait to see what happens next year, along with the whole year between this Spinzilla and the next one!

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    1. I am so excited about having a spinning wheel ! I have had a lot of fun spinning this week and I am excited about learning more about spinning throughout this year and the next! Thank you for challenging me !


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