Hair, Life Experiences

Inspiration Ride and an Idea!

action, bicycling, bike

As you probably know, I have a bike trail near my house, and I greatly enjoy it!  Every time I get on my bike, I have time to think. During these rides, at least one idea pops into my head for a blog post.  I don’t always write the post idea down >>giggle<<, but if you ever read a burst of posts, you can guess what I’ve been doing lately!  I get inspired by nature and by the people I see.  It’s like a ride of inspiration.  Now for my idea…

Ready?  Drum roll, please…

“My Crazy Hair” Challenge!

For this challenge, I’ll need your help!  I have curly hair and sometimes I have a lot of trouble with it.  There are numerous types, textures, and colors of hair, and we have all learned from our hair!  White hair, stringy hair, straight hair, thick hair, thin hair, and curly hair all need special care.  So during the next 4 weeks, I am going to be collecting all your hair tips, tricks, ideas, and styles!  We are going to help others and share our tips.  At the end of the 4 weeks, I will combine all your tips into one (or more) post(s)!  In order to have enough for a post, I need everyone to help!  Please send your tips to!  Can’t wait to hear from you!  The last chance to enter tips will be October 20th!

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